Import products and data to your Saleor project.

Importing to Saleor e-commerce platform is not easy and it requires developers and lot of effort to make the import complete.

We provide custom import services to
Saleor 3.0 alpha and older Saleor 2.11.

Import to Saleor
from any data source

We can build import tool specific to your data. Any data.

From custom Excel files

Excel file → Saleor 3.0/2.11

From any XML feeds

XML file → Saleor 3.0/2.11

From any APIs

your API → Saleor 3.0/2.11

From custom text files

CSV file → Saleor 3.0/2.11
TXT file → Saleor 3.0/2.11

Combined import

Join multiple sources. Use XML feed as a reference, only import those provided in Excel file.

All data types covered

  • Import products
  • Import variants
  • Import images – product & variant images
  • Import product types
  • Import categories
  • Import shipping zones
  • Import channels
  • Import warehouses
  • Import orders

Unlimited amount
of imported data

Need to import hundreds, thousands or milions of products or orders? We got you covered!

How it works?


Leave us a message

We will contact you as soon as possible.


You provide data to import

We will need and API key with write permissions to your Saleor instance


We will develop a custom tool for importing your specific data

Import will be tailored to your needs and provided data.

Hire us to
import your data

Need to import hundreds, thousands or milions of products or orders? We got you covered!

Need to fully build a custom store?

Are you looking for a small team to build your custom e-commerce website built on Saleor from scratch for you? No problem, feel free to leave a message.

    Thank you, your request has been submitted, we will get back to you soon.